Power Within The Self
I've been really obsessed with this book name Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. Thanks to a friend who sent me this book! As it's been a totally life changing book, I always have something to learn on each chapter. And one thing I'd like to share with you today.. from the book.. is about power. 💗 When it comes to fear, it's never been the fear that limits people from attaining the kind of life they long for.. but the way they hold their fear that does it. As there are two types of people. 1) who feel the fear and stop; 2) who feel the fear and do it anyway. Here we can see that fear has never been the problem. Next question, when other people are capable to hold their fear gracefully, why do some people don't? The answer relies on where they place their power. Regarding to Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway , people hold fear by two ways. The first one is by the state of pain , and the second one is by the state of power . These two are totally in rev...