How Wonderful You Truly Are

It's late on the midnight, she is there, sitting silently on a dunk chair of a minimarket. No one knows what she has been thinking for the rest fifteen minutes, but everyone definitely knows it is something that been bothering her for a while. She plays with her thoughts a lot, it's fun but trust her not always. Just like tonight, she wished somebody would sit next to her, so everything won't feel this empty.

Loneliness is common problem of people these days. It's the state of mind, rather than the state of environment. If not, then you might not find people go to a club at 9 pm 'til 3 am in the morning to shut the voice off their head. If not, then you might not find people work their ass off 'til they get sick, trying to forget their personal problems whose actually make them broken. If not, then you might not find people going nowhere but home, just like what she does. Ah, hey, what does home even mean?? She chuckled. She knows people been talking about this frequently, and it obviously connects to the words; acceptance, appreciation, security, and belongingness. But, merely you don't always get it.

Yesterday, she read this line on a paper, old crumpled paper on which written: Everything I did bad in the past, I did it because I need love. Yeah, it has always been love that makes us sick, lonely. We sick because we don't have love, yet we also sick of love that we own in life. As human being, this is a fact that we can't deny, we crave to love and to be loved. She approves that, as no matter how many times she's been hurted, this heart (she aims for hers) will always gonna be healed and ready for new love. That's why she decided to embrace the fact and have a little hope for the future. 

She recalled her memories, all the love birds stories that thankfully ever happened but sadly needed to end too. All those times where love didn't reciprocate, love didn't fight back, and love didn't choose. It's all the lesson she needs to learn. It's a journey of finding what's right for her. It's all what makes her today. She wanna believe as another day is given, new hope is coming her way. Maybe, just maybe... one day.. love will reciprocate, love will fight her back, and.. maybe.. love will choose her. Maybe one day, not now.

Just know that out there is a person who will cherish you as the person you are, not less but even more. Sometimes the universe must let you meet people who are not right in order.. to teach you to find the person you actually deserve. 

She hopes.. at the right time at the right place with the right person.. she will be able to see her again.. to see.. how wonderful she truly is. 

Cheers! :)


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