In The Eyes of Scientist

Do you like the life that you live today? Of course, the answer is gonna be different for each person.

Ah, it reminds me of an interesting conversation I had with this person days ago. He is a 35 years old man, smart, broadminded with warm personality. You won't find any boredom along the conversations, but only find yourself immersed in all potentials that he has. Yet at the moment, he is not on his so happy state. That's becoming my number one reason to create this post, to start another conversation inside my head, "What reasons do stop a person (with such great potentials) from becoming his/her best version?" 

While I was wondering for the answer, I was listening to Podcast from Thirty Days of Lunch ft. Sabda (CEO Zenius) - Learn/Unlearn/Relearn. Sabda shared how he found out that mindset is a fundamental concept which determines students accomplishment at school. To me this is applicable to another part of life as well as education. 

People's action is the reflection of their mindset. Thus, when people adapt wrong images of mindset, their actions consequently becomes wrong. What are the wrong ones you may ask? Generally, it is the negative ones. For instance, excessive worrying, dwelling in the past, victim mentality, fear of failure, etc. This time, I want to be specific on the one that has been discussed a lot in society, fear of failure. 

How many of us perceive failure as the end of everything? 

According to Cambridge Dictionary, failure itself means a lack of success in doing something. That sounds upsetting to see the words lack of success there as we all for sure desire success in life. How can this be dangerous tho? Fear of failure distorts your perceptions of your abilities. Psychology Today tells,  "Once you fail, you are likely to assess your skills, intelligence, and capabilities incorrectly and see them as significantly weaker than they actually are." This stops people from trying as they think that they are incapable which consequently decrease their chances to win to ultimate zero. 

Do you know Deshauna Barber? She is the winner of Miss USA 2016, she has impressive story behind it. She had to experience 6 loses on the State Pageant Competition before finally becoming the winner. It means 6 years of hard work without reaping anything but lessons. However, she didn't give up and kept on trying until she got her yeses. On one of her most popular speech she encourages us to not be afraid to fail as it is the start of a regret.

Then, how should we perceive failure in our life in order to bounce back every time we lose? To answer this, I'm gonna pick my current favorite line from the podcast I mentioned above. One of the hosts, Fellexandro Ruby said he treats his life as an experiment which means

there's no such a failure rather than just testifying hypothesizes.

That is a perspective of scientist. We can bring science into life!

When we have goals, we will certainly need to generate every possible ways to make it happens, right? These ways are going to be our hypothesizes. And to try out the ways will be experiment. The end result of each way will be nothing, but journey to discover which one works for you. If A doesn't work for you, then try B, if it doesn't too.. then it's time to testify the next hypothesis and so on until you find the right one for you. Insightful, isn't?

By treating life as an object of experiment, you will know how to place failure properly and bring more peace in your life.

Hope this helpful. God bless you! 😇


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